Sunday, October 10, 2010

Devon James’ former manager, Gina Rodriguez says that the sex tape Devon claims to have made with Tiger Woods doesn't exist. Gina was Devon's manager for a while, but they're on bad terms now. Back when they were still working together, Gina says that Devon and her husband Nick schemed to make a phony Tiger Woods tape. She says, quote, "Nick knew Tiger was not in any video so he said, 'We should find a Tiger look-alike and make a tape, no one will know.' I told them that I would have no part of a fake tape."--She adds, quote, "This is definitely a scam and I would advise anyone thinking of buying it to not send in your money for pre order, because the tape does not exist and if they have a tape, it's NOT Tiger." Nick tells a different story, obviously. He says, quote, "Look the tape exists . . . the whole world will shortly see that the Tiger Woods sex tape is real! (Eff) Gina Rodriguez. She does not know (crap)."

Juliette Lewis was hospitalized after a hit and run accident. She was in a chauffeur driven Lincoln Town Car that was struck by a hit and run driver on Wednesday. The Lincoln she was travelling in was completely totaled according to her rep. Juliette suffered pain to her back, neck and the back of her head. She also had bruising on her arm. The other vehicle was found abandoned a few blocks from the scene of the accident, but police haven't located the driver yet.

Toni Braxton has filed bankruptcy for the second time (the first time was back in 1998). Toni doesn't know exactly how much debt she's in, but she estimates that it's anywhere from $10 million to $50 million. The star is worth somewhere between $1 million and $10 million so you can see the problem. Toni's creditors include Wells Fargo, the IRS, American Express, AT&T, Tiffany & Company, DirecTV and Orkin Pest Control. Not to mention the parking violations board of the City of Los Angeles, as well as the DMVs of both California and Nevada. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. She's also in the hole to the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, and that's where her latest round of financial troubles may have begun. Toni started doing a show five nights a week at the Flamingo back in 2006. And a source says she took out an insurance policy with Lloyd's of London. Toni eventually had to pull the plug on the show because of heart problems. And Lloyd's refused to pay up, because they said her health issue was a pre-existing condition so Toni had to eat a HUGE loss.

Katherine Heigl knows she doesn’t have the best reputation and she says she’s working to fix it. The actress admits she’s outspoken and opinionated and she believes that and her tone are the source of her bad image. She says, quote, "It's something I've spent a lot of time in the last year or so really thinking about or really trying to figure out, because, obviously, my career is important to me, and I'm really passionate about trying to keep it. I don't want to be the person digging my own grave or put myself out there in any way that would sort of hinder this great thing I've got going. I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out where I kind of went off track and how and why and what I can do in the future to avoid that." As far as her tone goes Katherine says, "That's the most important thing I've learned as I get older . . . I can let go of the tone. I'll say what I gotta say and be honest, but maybe not so edgy."

Lady GaGa's meat dress is turning out to be one of the hottest Halloween costumes of 2010. Rather than spend hundreds on a generic or homemade costume, high school and college students are planning to visit meat departments for their outfit. Butchers estimate a meat dress is going to cost anywhere from $35 to $150 depending on the cut of meat that is used to create the dress. Health officials are warning people not to wear the dress because of possible bacterial infections.

I happen to know the real reason why Conan O’Brien and bandleader, Max Weinberg have parted ways and there is no drama surrounding it whatsoever. Max recently said in an interview that he’s had a heart condition for over two decade that was getting progressively worse. He said on February 8th he underwent open heart surgery where they actually had to stop his heart to replace a valve and he says after that he decided he wanted to stay with his family in the East Coast and say goodbye to show business.

Beyonce’s little sister, Solange sure has a beef with Katy Perry. She exploded on Katy via Twitter after she caught her five-year-old son Daniel Julez watching Katy's sexy "California Gurls" video, which she compares to, quote, "kiddie porn." She Tweeted, quote, "But seriously. I don't like the fact that Julez thinks he gotta sneak [and watch] 'California Gurls' on YouTube. Katy Perry is polluting the chirrens. It is like kiddie porn though. All them damn colors, candy and (crap) . . . and then daisy dukes, breast shooting cream." Naturally, Solange then turned her attention to Katy's controversial, cleavage-y "Sesame Street" appearance. She Tweeted, quote, "And then Elmo and (rhymes with BITS)!? [That] sounds like a personal problem." Katy hasn’t responded.


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